type, size, application and advantage of huber needle


type, size, application and advantage of huber needle

The Huber needle is an essential medical device primarily used in oncology, hematology, and other critical medical procedures. It is a type of specialized needle designed to puncture the skin and access a patient’s implanted port or catheter. This article aims to introduce the different types of Huber needles, their size, application and advantages.

huber needle

Types of Huber Needles

According to the shapes of the needle, there are Straight Huber Needle and Curved Huber Needle.

huber needle range

Straight Huber Needle

When the port is only needing to be flushed, the straight needle is used. These are also used for any short-term application. 

Curved Huber Needle

They are used for the delivery of such things as, medications, nutritional fluids, and chemotherapy. The curved needle is convenient, because it can be left in place for a few days, according to the policy of the facility and prevents the patient from having as many needles sticks.

According to the needle can be retracted or not, there are safety huber needle and normally huber needle.

Safety huber needle

Safety huber needle 1

Disposable huber needle

huber needle (10)

Usage of huber needle

Huber needles are primarily used to access an implanted port for administering medication or to draw blood. These ports are placed under the skin and are connected to a catheter that runs into a large vein, making it easy for healthcare professionals to infuse medications, fluids, or other necessary treatments without repeatedly puncturing the skin.

Size of huber needle

Huber needle size ranges from 19 to 25 gauge needles with lengths varying from 0.5 inches to 1.5 inches. The size of the Huber needle depends on the patient’s age, body size, and the implanted port or catheter’s size. Healthcare providers should consider these factors before choosing the appropriate Huber needle size to use.

Application of huber needle

Huber needles are commonly used in medical situations requiring prolonged medical treatments such as chemotherapy, blood transfusions, parenteral nutrition, or dialysis. The needle’s application can vary depending on the patient’s medical condition and healthcare needs.


Advantages of using huber needles

1.Keep patients to have less needle sticks.

The Huber needle is safe and can be kept in place for several days that prevents the patient from having as many needle sticks.

2.Protects the patient from pain and infection.

Huber needles optimize access to the port through the septum of the implanted port. The fluid flows through the reservoir of the port into the vascular system of the patient. 

In conclusion, the Huber needle plays a vital role in modern medicine and critical medical procedures. Healthcare providers must ensure that they use the correct needle size to prevent accidents and to ensure the effectiveness of the medical procedure. Patients, on the other hand, should be aware of their medical condition and the type of device being used in their care to help promote their safety and comfort.

Post time: May-29-2023